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If you have been dreading those days when you have to laboriously slog through your math homework, this post is for you! In it, we will take a look at why so many students claim that math is so hard and how to fix it. Hopefully by the time we're done, not only will you find school a great deal less painful but also more fascinating. Ready? Let's dive right in! A lot of people can't agree on what exactly makes math difficult. Some say that the material itself is the problem, while others argue that it's just too difficult for kids who aren't old enough yet to fully comprehend abstract concepts from algebra and trigonometry. The truth is, it does have to do with the material itself. But is there anything we can do to make these concepts understandable? Yes! And we've got a few ideas on how to go about it. For starters, we could break down each concept into smaller pieces and make it clear what each piece contributes. This would help kids learn the material in a more physical way and alleviate some of their anxiety — which can likely be taken as a sign that they're getting the material. Another way to make math less difficult is to simplify the way we teach it so that kids do not get overwhelmed by multi-step processes or large volumes of new material. For instance, it's easier to understand the dividend when you know what you're dealing with in terms of quantity and value. If you can present one concept at a time, including examples and explanations on how the concept comes into play, this will go a long way in making math easier to understand. We could also raise kids' confidence by talking about them as smart and capable, rather than constantly harping on their shortcomings. For example, why not reward the kids for answers that are based on reasoning? You could even have them write answers on index cards and have them ask themselves "Why do I think this?" as opposed to "How do I know this?" This will help kids develop their thinking skills as well as their math skills. The best way to teach kids how to apply math is through hands-on activities, which will help them learn how to apply the rules of mathematics. These activities could be as simple as counting blocks, working a jigsaw puzzle or coloring a picture. By doing these things with your child, you'll show him just how math is not just hard for them but also fun. Last but not least, teaching kids how to do math is a great way to get them excited about math. So instead of harping on what they can't do, make learning fun and exciting. Bring in games and toys that involve math and help your child start thinking about it from a different perspective. You could even make up your own problems for him to work out. cfa1e77820